Sunday, May 8, 2011

Moving On and Over...

The Moving On part:
This is the last (anticipated) post for this blog. Lots of recent changes to my job/career/freelance endeavors will prevent me from having the time to keep it updated. Additionally, one of the sites I published MANY of my how-to articles on has now ceased (at least in that capacity) so links to those articles in previous posts have also been removed. << Which means you may be seeing a lot of this: [ADDITIONAL CONTENT / ARTICLE LINKS REMOVED]  *sigh*

What better time than Spring for a little "housecleaning" right? "The only constant is change..."
The Moving Over part:
I do have two other blogs that I will maintain:

Free And Green Stuff (an eco-friendly/frugalista blog)

and my newest, more "personal/random" blog

Five Items or Less.

Hope to see you there!

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